Benefits of BAOMS membership
- Annual subscription to the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BJOMS) - includes 10 editions per year with verifiable CPD
- Reduced registration fees to the BAOMS Annual Scientific Meeting
- Various prizes for posters and oral presentations made at the meeting
- Support and advice for your application to a second degree
- Access to the members' secure area of the website
- Eligibility to apply for clinical and scientific research grants
- Access to special accommodation rates at Club Quarters Hotels
- Free membership of the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) to all BAOMS members
- Benefit of up to a 20% reduction in MPS/DPS Subscription
- BAOMS member benefit of up to a 20% reduction in MPS/DPS Subscription. We have been very fortunate to have developed a joint venture for BAOMS members with MPS and DPS for our singularly qualified members. This arrangement will provide a two-way exchange with the provision of risk management education and advice to the association, with the benefit to BAOMS members of up to a 20% reduction in their MPS subscription (All quotes and discounts are subject to underwriting approval).
- For members who would like to take advantage of the subscription offer, either at renewal or new applications they should contact the MPS office with the details below who will guide them through the process. A current valid BAOMS membership certificate (available to download and send from the members’ area) will be required as proof of BAOMS membership.
Dental Protection (For any solely GDC registered members)
Medical Protection (For any GMC or joint GMC / GDC registered members)
Current subscription rates 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025:
- Students studying for a 1st degree (BDS or MBBS) in the British Isles : Free (confirmation from your place of study required on application)
- Students studying for a 2nd degree (BDS or MBBS) in the British Isles : Free (confirmation from your place of study required on application)
- UK and Overseas Members: £85.00
- Junior Trainees: £85.00
- Fellows in Training: £85.00 (with NTN Number)
- Associate Fellows: £85.00
- Fellows: £320.00
Once a Fellow / Associate Fellow is retired the subscription rate is: £55.00
Direct Debit renewals from 1 July to 30 June (BAOMS members can manage their Direct Debit payments via their profile in the members' area)
UK and OS Members / Associate Fellows / Fellows in Training / Junior Trainees
- Annual DD 1 July: £320.00