BAOMS Home Professionals Membership Groups Fellows in Training (FiT) Fellows in Training (FiT) Introduction The membership category of 'Fellows in Training' is the representative body for those who are enrolled in SAC approved training programmes in the UK. The BAOMS Fellows in Training Representative (FiT) and the Deputy are elected by the FiTs. The purpose of the FiT is to represent trainee viewpoints to the bodies responsible for training and the provision of OMFS services. The FiT Rep and Deputy attend the BAOMS council meetings where every effort is made to further FiT best interests. We strongly encourage all maxillofacial trainees to register with BAOMS as a 'Fellow in Training'. If you are not registered as a FiT you have no voting rights. To apply for BAOMS membership as a Fellow-in-Training, the membership category of Fellow in Training is for those who are enrolled in SAC-approved training programmes in the UK. Fellows in Training have voting rights and are represented on BAOMS Council by the Fellows in Training Representative and his/her Deputy, who are elected by the Fellows in Training. Please contact the office for all BAOMS membership queries. Register with the Fit group forum and contact either the FiT Rep or the Deputy with your problems, opinions, ideas or just to let us know who you are. Starting Specialist training is both challenging and rewarding. The subsequent information aims to give new OMFS specialty trainees some guidance of what to expect, general advice for training and areas allied to being a Specialist trainee. Some of information many previous trainees wish they had known when they started. It is worth noting that it is by no means comprehensive and is as accurate as possible at the time of writing. If there are any omissions or corrections please contact us and they’ll be incorporated. Mission statement FiT is the UK’s Association for OMFS trainees with a national training number (NTN). We aim to ensure trainees across have fair and equal training opportunities to maximise their training in order to become well rounded and successful Consultant OMF Surgeons. The primary aim of our organisation is the continual improvement of OMF Training across Britain. The Fellows in Training (FiT) committee is composed of core committee (images & contact details below) that works with a wider committee of regional representatives (you will know who these are) to improve grassroots OMFS exposure and trainee experience. The aim of the core committee is to respond to regional issues with training and engage with the larger central bodies for surgery within the United Kingdom to advocate on the behalf of trainees. F2 Fs have specific wants and needs from their representation that may differ from those at a Junior Trainees and members Group level. Each level of training holds its own innate challenges. The division between the trainee groups enables trainees to target specific issues pertinent to higher-level training, tailor training events towards FRCS, specialization and higher training development. Junior Trainees and members Group (JTG) represents all trainees without a number (pre-registration) in the UK and together with FiT they represent all OMFS trainees in the UK. Both groups fall under the wider umbrella BAOMS to make up the OMFS community in the UK along side the Associate Fellows group, and the Consultant and specialist group. The FiT mission is committed to improving training on behalf of numbered trainees, and we work closely with the wider BAOMS community to tackle areas of common interest to the benefit of the specialty as a whole. FiT conference 2025: Next-Gen Healing: Surgical Innovations for the Future of our Youth on the theme: Maxillofacial Surgery affecting Children and Young Adults will take place in Leeds on Friday 9 May 2025 - see the events listing for further information 2025 Committee FiT rep Lead Fellows in Training (FiT) rep: Amit Dattani Deputy FiT rep Deputy Fellows in Training (FiT) rep: Jonathan Dennis Treasurer Treasurer: Ariyo Onafowokan ISB/Exam rep ISB/Exam Rep: Christopher Blore SAC rep SAC rep: Felix Karst Deputy SAC FiT rep Deputy SAC FiT rep: Aimee Rowe Education/CPD rep Education / CPD Rep: Giovanni Diana UEMS rep UEMS Rep: Steven Brandsma ASiT rep ASiT rep: Bethan Edwards Webmaster Webmaster / Web Training Rep: Christopher Barr Conference rep Conference Rep: Timothy Austin Outgoing FiT rep Immediate outgoing FiT Rep: Adam Holden The wider committee includes Regional Representatives alongside the FiT conference lead and team. They ensure that our organisation understands the regional variations in training, as well as keeping abreast of how these align with obtaining CCT. The Regional Representatives, both as individuals and as a group instruct responsible for gauging trainee opinion and feeding this back to the core committee and wider specialty. Applications for committee posts will be held annually and you will be notified via BAOMS. See the following pages for further information: COVID-19 & trainee progression MRCS Part B exam changes FiT Conference Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialty Training Programme Goals of Specialist Training Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP) Guidance Benchmarking (objectives) for Specialist trainees Revalidation at your ARCP GDC / GMC registration SAC Newsletter OMFS Certification Guidelines and Checklists Leave What does being a FiT offer? The FiT forum - made by FiTs for FiTs You can apply to join the FiT for free with your NTN number and CCT date (provided by your deanery’s school of surgery) Interact with other members via the moderated closed forum, which is full of new information and encourages lively discussion. Trainees can use this forum to arrange meetings, discuss the value of specific courses/ fellowships and units or raise wider issues for debate, all confidentially. lobbying and representation, Peer support The site operates under the Chatham house rule (‘When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed’) to ensure the trainee voice is truly heard. We also post opportunities and advertisement of appropriate courses, conferences, educational material and innovative adjuncts to training. Committee posts are advertised on the site and we are always looking of innovative people and ideas to join the team Subscribers may also receive newsletters with training updates so they may stay abreast of changes and opportunities There are always opportunities to get involved as dynamic individuals to help us build this innovative resource and make it the tool you need: Contact the webmaster (details as above). The site uses the content management software to allow you to contribute even if you have limited experience. Accessing the site To login to the site you need to register and create a username and password. You will then be validated by one of the site administrators. Registration is only open to those with National Training Numbers in the specialty. Please provide your NTN and expected CCT date in the "About Me" box when you register so that your registration can be validated promptly. Once logged-in you will be able to view the whole site and create and edit articles and upload/download files and share with colleagues in a confidential manner. Training resources Please find some useful Training Resources below. Please email us if you wish to let us know about useful adjuncts. More are available at the OMFS FiT group website Gold guide- A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK - a recommended read and reference guide that provides information on appointments, ARCP, CCT and Leave. The following 2 booklets make useful reading for those starting at St3: Nightshift - Working the night shift: preparation, survival and recovery. A guide for junior doctors prepared on behalf of a multidisciplinary Working Group. Safe handover - Safe handover: safe patients. Guidance on clinical handover for clinicians and managers. FOR PROFESSIONALS Oxford DeclarationCareers in OMFSQOMS - Quality Outcomes in Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryMeet the QOMS TeamQOMS AuditQOMS RegistriesQOMS reportsQOMS Privacy & Fair Processing PolicyNational Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Workforce CensusAwards, Grants & FellowshipsBAOMS Awards & PrizesBAOMS GrantsApply BAOMS grant Travel/ClinicalApply BAOMS grant ResearchApply BAOMS grant mini event mini projectsEACMFS Scholarships and awardsReports to the Endowments CommitteeStudent BursariesEvents & CoursesBAOMS-Organised EventsBAOMS Second Degree WorkshopsResearchClinical TrialsFunding OpportunitiesFunding Opportunities available to MembersOMFS ResearchersMaxillofacial surgery Trainees Research CollaborativeClinical OutcomesGIRFTNational AuditEducation & TrainingMaxFaxBitesRCSEd BAOMS webinar seriese-FaceDental Core TrainingOn-Line Teaching at ST and DCT levelSpecialty Training in OMFSe-Learning for DCTs & OMFS STs (free)Training & Supervision ResourcesOther OrganisationsMembership GroupsConsultants & Specialists' GroupNational Consultant Information Programme (NCIP)Associate FellowsFellows in Training (FiT)COVID-19 & trainee progressionAnnouncement: MRCS part B exam changesFiT conferenceOral and Maxillofacial Surgery Specialty Training Programme Goals of Specialist TrainingIntercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP)Guidance Benchmarking (objectives) for Specialist traineesRevalidation at your ARCPGDC / GMC registrationSAC NewsletterOMFS Certification Guidelines and ChecklistsLeaveJunior Trainees' GroupJTG Annual Conference 2021Frequently Asked Questions - Second DegreesResource and published articles for JTGsEvents and previous conference presentationsJTG NewsletterMoney Saving Tips for Junior TraineesOnline Teaching at ST and DCT levelInternational OMFSUseful ResourcesNHS Commissioners / Information for GPsGDC & GMCPatient Safety EVENTS & COURSES Surgical Management of Craniofacial Trauma 26 Mar 2025 08:00 - 28 Mar 2025 16:00 Aimed at trainees and consultants with an interest in surgical management of craniofacial trauma. Expert guidance on treatments planning with feedback enhanced by CT... Read more 12th Intercontinental Rhinoplasty Meeting 15 - 17 May 2025 This conference brings together the leading experts in the field of structural and preservation rhinoplasty, providing a unique opportunity to exchange knowledge,... Read more ICOMS 2025 22 - 25 May 2025 The pre-eminent international conference in oral and maxillofacial surgery, with best-in-class lecturers from around the globe, expert symposia, poster sessions, and... Read more BAOMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2025 18 - 20 Jun 2025 The theme for the 2025 meeting will be: Global Practice under the presidency of Professor Kathleen Fan, 63rd BAOMS President Online registration is now... Read more IAOO 2025 16 - 19 Jul 2025 From in-person in Liverpool, online and available across the World, sharing the best scientific and educational content available to all healthcare professionals... Read more BAOMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2026 24 - 26 Jun 2026 BAOMS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 24-26 June 2026 ICC, Belfast, Northern Ireland Hosted by: Patrick Magennis 64th BAOMS... Read more RESEARCH AND AUDIT BAOMS supports research and audit in many ways, from sharing information about existing trials, through co-ordinating national audits, to directly funding research. Find out more here. RESEARCH AND AUDIT EDUCATION AND TRAINING BAOMS wishes to support trainees and trainers in their important roles. Find our educational resources here. EDUCATION AND TRAINING CAREERS IN OMFS Interested in a career in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery? Find more information here to help you with this journey. CAREERS IN OMFS NHS COMMISSIONERS INFORMATION FOR GPS Important Oral and Maxillofacial Presentations for the Primary Care Clinician NHS COMMISSIONERS INFORMATION FOR GPS BAOMS RECOMMENDS MAXFACTS Information on all aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery for patients, carers, and professionals. BAOMS RECOMMENDS MAXFACTS USEFUL RESOURCES Browse and find useful resources here concerning professionals in OMFS. USEFUL RESOURCES Sponsors and partners