To help applicants prepare we have published updated guidance on Check out our collections page for the guide, indicative scheme timelines and eligibility criteria. We have also made a template application form available ( download a template 2025 application form) for those that wish to start prepping before the application window is open. To note, we only accept applications through the online portal and the template application was created to help applicants prepare and not as a mechanism to officially apply.
There are some significant changes this year, which I have attached in a document above in detail. However, in summary:
Employer citations/statements - these will no longer be required, instead we will ask a series of questions to confirm that the contents of the form are correct and the applicant is meeting their contractual obligations.
Care Quality Commission/Health Inspectorate Wales ratings - applicants will no longer be asked to provide these, though they can still comment on their impact on such ratings in their domain evidence if they wish.
Timing of award payments - all new awards granted in the 2025 round will commence 1 April 2026 and run for five years from that date. This will harmonise all awards granted in any given year, making re-application timing consistent and easier to understand.
We would be extremely grateful if your organisation could share the updated guidance and changes notification with your members. Since the reform of the scheme, we have made positive strides to improving the diversity and outreach of the scheme and we are keen to continue on this path. Helping us promote the scheme to your members will help us to continue reaching a wider more diverse population.
Please do let us know if you’d like to work closer with us on advertising the scheme and promoting to your members, for example helping create promotional materials backed with statistics or for the secretariat or Chair and medical director to host a chat for your members.
We look forward to hearing from you.
ACCIA Secretariat | Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards | Department of Health and Social Care