On-Line Teaching at ST and DCT level
After a very unusual year we have come to September, which is the month when we run Second Degree Application Workshops to support OMFS trainees who are considering this essential step on our training pathway. We are also keen for our members and fellows to continue to add to our Gallery of Diversity
Second Degree Workshops
If you are running one please let the BAOMS Office know so we can put it on our calendar of events. If you would like help to run one (live or on-line) please contact the BAOMS Office for access to free course material. See below for GoToMeeting accounts.
Consider Using BAOMS GoToMeeting Accounts
BAOMS has a number of GoToMeetings accounts which we are happy for anyone planning a second degree workshop (or any other OMFS educational event) to use. We are also very happy to share details of events through our online calendar or with appropriate mailshots.
On-Line Teaching at ST and DCT level
If you are running teaching events which you are happy to share, we have set up a page on which these can be listed/accessed. Please contact the BAOMS office to share details of your activity.
Gallery of Diversity
We hope you saw our BJOMS Editorial (in the most recent journal). Have a look at the current content of our Gallery. If you have not done so already, please send a picture and a few words about your own uniqueness. “If you can see it you can be it” is an important way to promote OMFS to newcomers.
Peter Brennan
Deputy Chair BAOMS
Patrick Magennis