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March 2025
Here is the updated version of Good Surgical Practice — Royal College of Surgeons developed in consultation with surgeons and patients, including trainees and representatives of the Surgical Specialty Associations at College Council.
The principles remain the same, but the updates include:
- New domains, in line with the domains of Good Medical Practice (GMC)
- Taking into account the rise of new technologies in surgery (including robotic surgery), environmental sustainability
- The findings of the independent inquiry into the issues raised by Ian Paterson
- Emphasis on consent, candour, and safety
- Increased focus on behaviours and working cultures and an emphasis on equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as the need to tackle sexual harassment and bullying
- It is also a shorter, more succinct document than the previous edition
Over the coming months we will be building the content and web-resources of Good Surgical Practice on the RCS England College’s website.
Katerina Sarafidou Head of Standards, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE