SAC Newsletter
The eLogbook is the official logbook for OMFS specialty trainees.
This user guide provides advice for specialty trainees. The information would also be useful for anyone working in OMFS departments.
The new look newsletter from the OMFS SAC
The purpose of this newsletter is to update trainees and trainers about the latest training related developments in our specialty.
From the new OMFS curriculum to changes in indicative numbers for trainees, many training related matters have been discussed in the last three SAC meetings.
The ‘purpose’ statement for the new OMFS curriculum has been presented to the GMC and we will hear shortly whether the GMC are happy with its intent and remit along with other surgical specialties.
OMFS SAC newsletter Issue 1: Feb 2019

19 February 2019: In this inaugural issue of the new-look OMFS SAC newsletter, the new OMFS curriculum is described. In the new curriculum, there will be less focus on the number of work based assessments (WBAs) but WBAs will still remain to help facilitate learning and assessment, particularly around critical topics and procedures.
The proposed new surgical curricula describes a series of high level Learning outcomes called Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) which describe the tasks trainees should be able to do independently by the end of training. Supervisor reports and multi-consultant reports (MCRs) will become the main means of assessing overall progress of a trainee. The new curriculum will likely not come into being before August 2020.
If you are a trainee or a trainer, read this newsletter about the new curriculum. It also has important links to three new sets of documents guiding curriculum change.
OMFS SAC newsletter Issue 2: Apr 2019

20 April 2019: What is happening with the new OMFS curriculum? Do trainees need to validate their elogbooks? How can OMFS trainees enhance their chances of getting a TIG fellowship?
Is there a national induction course for newly appointed OMFS registrars? What is the process of getting an early certification (CCT) in OMFS?
If you are looking to find answers to these questions, have a quick read of the spring issue of this revamped OMFS SAC newsletter.
Besides SAC updates, the newsletter provides several important links for trainees and trainers including links to the current indicative numbers, OMFS syllabus and the ‘top tips’ for elogbook entries. Happy reading!
OMFS SAC newsletter Issue 3: 29 Dec 2019

29 December 2019: Welcome to the winter newsletter from the OMFS SAC.
The last SAC meeting was held at the Royal College of Surgeons, London on the 7th November, 2019. It was a relatively short meeting as the day was combined with a TPD development day.
T h e S A C predominately discussed the new curriculum which, if approved, will be implemented in August, 2020. The GMC has decided that the TIG training programme will no longer be included in the pre-certification curricula as the learning objectives do not affect the award of certification within the parent curricula. This has been one of the most recent developments in the new curricula.