Trainer & Supervision Resources
Trainers in medicine and surgery are no longer simply supervisors of an apprentice. The expectations of trainees have increased and the administration around training has increased enormously.
The General Medical Council and General Dental Council now expect trainers to maintain their knowledge and skills. We have assembled some resources which might be helpful to those involved in training.
General Medical Council
- Promoting Excellence
- If your Trust is not giving you time in your job plan for supervision, now the GMC states getting appropriate payment is a standard. Lots of other information in this document too
- Trainers’ Survey
- Find out how your Trust’s trainers have replied to their Trainer Survey
e-Learning for Health
- e-Learning for Health
- eLfH have ‘adopted’ the trainer resources which were developed in the London Deanery. These are well designed with great links to further resources. They will be very useful to anyone who has not read about the theory behind supervision and even to someone studying for a PG Certificate in Medical Education.

ARCP Process: videos & information
- eLearning for Health
- Video: ARCP - Introduction
- Video: ARCP - Foundation
- Video: ARCP - Specialty and GP
- Health Education England
2016 Junior Doctors and Dentists Contract (England)
It is essential for both trainers and trainees in England to understand the new junior doctor contract. It is complex for all those involved. There are contractual rights and responsibilities on both groups. The following documents may be useful:
- eLearning for Health – module on 2016 contract: Aimed at trainers but would be valuable for trainees too – find it at: Learning Educator Training Resources (ETR) 01 - Ensuring Safe and Effective Patient Care Through Training, 01_01 Supporting Educational and Clinical Supervisors
- BMA – Exception Reporting: Guidance for Junior Doctors
- Royal College of Physicians: Exception Reporting Guide
Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives across the UK (HEE)
This was a response to the 2016 Junior Doctor Contract aiming to try to address the concerns expressed during the industrial action which was the response to the introduction of the contract:
Attracting and Retaining Trainees
Recruitment and Retention